Portsmouth Dockyard
Portsmouth Dockyard
The dockyard theme of the website tells the story of Portsmouth Dockyard in the twentieth century. Over time there have been 11 Royal Dockyards that serviced the Royal Navy. Currently there are four dockyards; Devonport, Faslane, Rosyth and Portsmouth. This theme concentrates on Portsmouth Royal Dockyard, although some of the information, especially in the Dockyard People section, also applies to the other dockyards.

The In Focus sections of the theme provide more information about specific areas of the Dockyard's history in the twentieth century. Ever wondered what a shipwright working in the Dockyard did? Then Dockyard People is the place for you. Here you can find out about over 20 trades practised in the dockyard during the twentieth century.

The Dockyard landmarks section lets you explore the dockyard using interactive maps. You can click on part of the dockyard and not only find out more about it but also see a photograph of the area or feature selected. Trace developments and changes to the Dockyard by exploring other maps in the section.

Find out more about special ships worked on by Dockyard workers in the twentieth century in Dockyard Projects. Restoration looks at the programme of restoration work carried out on HMS Victory by dockyard workers. Refit reveals the story of HMY Britannia, whose home port was Portsmouth.
The How To sections of this theme will help you to read maps and interpret historic surroundings.