1938 - 1945
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Reforming the WRNS
The rise of dictators, such as Hitler and Stalin, in Europe throughout the 1930s resulted in the fear of another war. The British Government therefore began to plan for the crisis.
In 1938 the Admiralty predicted the need to recruit 3000 Wrens but by the end of the War this number had far exceeded expectation. The number women serving in the WRNS reached its peak number in September 1944 with around 74 000 officers and ratings working in 90 categories and 50 branches.

Article highlights
Reforming the WRNS
Pre-war anxiety
Starting again
Volunteers, not conscripts
Working life - find out about some of the different jobs the Wrens did
The end of the War
Read the story of the WRNS
1917 - 1919 The first WRNS formed during World War One
1938 - 1945 World War Two reformation
1946 - 1969 Post war permanent service
1970 - 1989 Towards integration
1990 - 1993 Women at sea
Women in the Navy today Equality and limitations in the Navy
Related External Links
BBC Website - Peoples War