Conflict and Change
War in South Africa and China
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The Royal Navy ashore
Conflict in the 20th Century is mostly associated with the two World Wars of 1914 – 1918 and 1939 – 1945. However, at the turn of the 20th century the British were embroiled in conflicts on further shores.
The Boer War (1899 – 1902) and the Boxer Rebellion (1900) saw Royal Naval personnel landed from ships to fight as ‘naval brigades’ offering support to the British Army as artillery and light infantrymen.
The involvement of the Royal Navy in these land conflicts highlights the flexibility and adaptability of its personnel and weaponry.
It showcased, not only the vital long-reaching contribution of the Royal Navy in international and imperial matters, but also brought to the attention of military planners the navy’s vital gunnery expertise and infantry capabilities that could be employed ashore in coming conflicts such as World War One.

Article highlights
The Royal Navy ashore
The Boer War
The Boxer Rebellion
Follow the links to find more about...
War in South Africa and China
The Naval Arms Race
The lessons of the Russo Japanese War 1904 - 1905
Jackie Fisher and the Admiralty
Related External Links
Royal Naval Museum Catalogue Online - Boxer Rebellion
Royal Naval Museum Catalogue Online - Boer War