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Sea With Your Own Eyes
This project brought together museum staff, a professional artist and a group of 12 and 13 year olds from Mayfield School in Portsmouth to explore propaganda in an exciting new way.

Using authentic examples of posters from the museum's collections as a stimulus the project incorporated workshops on how to understand propaganda, sessions on developing art techniques and the opportunity for the young people to create their own propaganda posters.
These fantastic pieces of work were combined to create a unique piece of art which will be displayed in the museum's learning centre. You can see examples of this work and find out more about what happened during the project by visiting the Sea With Your Own Eyes pages on the website.

The museum runs an art workshop suitable for Key Stage 3 students which is inspired by the museum's collections and offers a fascinating starting point for creating original art work.
Discovering Patterns lasts for 1 ½ hours and allows students to learn from a professional artist. Please visit the Learning pages on the main Royal Naval Museum website to find out more about the art workshops.
Related External Links
Royal Naval Museum Workshops