Incidents & Case Studies ashore 1 - Surprise delivery at Lossiemouth, 1970s
Marion Hamill
Service: 1967 - 1983
Rate: Superintending Nursing Officer
Marion Hamill had previous nursing experience before joining the QARNNS (Queen Alexandra Royal Naval Nursing Service) in April 1967. She specialised as a midwife and served at Royal Naval Hospitals Haslar, Plymouth, Gibraltar, Malta and Royal Naval Air Station Lossiemouth. During the Falklands War in 1982 she was part of the nursing team on SS Uganda treating burns casualties. She left the QARNNS in 1983.
Find out what the surprise delivery at RNAS Lossiemouth was.
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I did have my little bit of midwifery at Lossiemouth actually, because I got an urgent call from the manager in the NAAFI one day, could I come over and see one of his staff who was very unwell, and I did, and it was obvious that she was going to have a baby. Sadly she didn't realise she was pregnant, but we cleared the NAAFI and we delivered her about 15 minutes later. I got my nurse to come over with the emergency delivery bag and then I let the PMO know that we couldn't keep her of course on camp and I took her by ambulance over to Raigmore Hospital in Inverness, where she went. And of course everybody in the camp rallied forth and all the wives gathered up all their baby clothes and sent them to her, I thought it was all... you know, they cared obviously.

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