Incidents and case studies at sea 1 - Positivity of service patients
Julia Massey
Service: 1968 - 1996
Rate: Captain
Julia joined the QARNNS (Queen Alexandra Royal Naval Nursing Service) in 1968 and worked at Royal Naval Hospital Haslar, a number of medical facilities in Malta, RNH Plymouth, HMS Pembroke and RNH Hong Kong. In 1982, she was part of the nursing team embarked on SS Uganda for the Falklands War and during the Gulf War she was responsible for allocating nurses to RFA Argus. In 1994 she was involved with the Defence Cost Studies Report which led to the closure of the RN Hospitals, the establishment of tri-service training and the reduction of the QARNNS by nearly a half.
Here Julia recalls why servicemen injured during the Falklands War were so positive.
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... being a limited age group and they're fit and they all wanted to get better, and it was amazing how cheerful they were and how they... they just got on with things. I think a lot of them were probably quite relieved to have got to the ship, ‘cause they must have had a pretty uncomfortable 24 hours since being injured; you know, to be in a bed and between clean sheets and to have hot food provided for them, and I suppose to have female nurses around, and I suppose they felt safe. And they would go to x-ray, they would go to theatre. And then the next morning they'd be sitting up there in bed washing and really so cheerful and positive about it. And of course servicemen... the great difference between nursing servicemen than civilians, in that servicemen are so used to living with the other chaps that they're not embarrassed or coy about the other chaps, and of course they have this buddy-buddy care, so they do help each other, and not that in the area that I was in did we have many of them mobile, because as soon as they were fit enough or... we had to send them to the dormitories, so every morning we had a clear out of probably a dozen of these patients down to the dorm rooms to make beds for more casualties which came on every day.

"I don't like the look of the Admiral" 1940s
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Inability to do much for survivors, 1940s
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Treating oil contaminated shipwreck survivors
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Stitching a patient in rough seas, 1940s
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Coping with seasickness, HMS Snowflake, 1940s
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Treatment of celebral malaria, 1940s
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Comparison of US and British approaches to prevention of VD 1960s
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Diagnosis and treatment of VD during 1960s
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Treatment of heat exhaustion, 1960s
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Treatment of Argentinean POWs, 1982
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Treatment of gunshot wounds, 1982
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Positivity of service patients during Falklands, 1982
1.45 mins - mp3 File