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Search words: eric lovelock

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Eric Lovelock 1945

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Eric Lovelock 1945

Staying in Touch

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Staying in Touch Sailors have found many different ways to stay in touch with their friends and family. Today this is often by mobile phone or e-mail. During the 20th century letters, tele

Eric Lovelock

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PO RM E.J. Lovelock March 1944

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Phillip Needell

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The career of a Royal Naval Volunteer Reservist and artist Phillip Gregory Needell was born in Islington, London 28th September 1886. A bank clerk by trade, he joined the Royal Naval Voluntee

1900s: The beginnings of the Submarine Service

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The Navy's first submarines The Royal Navy initially opposed the introduction of submarines at the turn of the 20th century. Vice Admiral Sir Arthur Wilson, the Controller of the Navy, be

1917 - 1919

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Women workers World War One vastly expanded women's employment opportunities. They were suddenly able to find work in engineering, the public services and factories, undertaking men's wo

1938 - 1945

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Reforming the WRNS The rise of dictators, such as Hitler and Stalin, in Europe throughout the 1930s resulted in the fear of another war. The British Government therefore began to plan for the

1946 - 1969

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Towards a permanent Women's Royal Naval Service After World War Two the Navy began a process of demobilisation. All service personnel, including Wrens, faced release from the Royal Navy.

Aerobatic Display Teams

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Aerobatic Displays offer a chance for the Fleet Air Arm to show off their skills to the public. The Fleet Air Arm (FAA) has maintained an aerobatic display team since 1948. The display teams

Aircraft development

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What types of aircraft did the Fleet Air Arm use during the Cold War period? During the Cold War period the Navy designed larger, more powerful and faster types of aircraft. The piston engined ai

Allied Translator and Interpreter Service

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The Allied Translator and Interpreter Service (ATIS) was an intelligence agency created at the Allied General Headquarters, Southwest Pacific Area (GHQ SWPA) on 19 September 1942. Th

Armoured trains

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Armoured trains are usually railroad cars equipped with artillery and machine guns. They were initially used during the American Civil War in the 1860s. They were then used in conflicts such as th

Arnold-Forster Letter Transcripts

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Barrow-in-Furness April 1st 1902 My dear Father, I have had no time to write before, we have been working in the boat right through the holidays, Good Friday and Easter

Attempts to ban submarines

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Conferences to limit size and strength of the World's Navies Once World War One was over, the Admiralty reverted to many of its earlier attitudes and set about trying to abolish submarines.

Britain's Nuclear deterrent

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Submarines begin to carry nuclear weapons After World War Two, Britain considered it necessary to possess nuclear weapons. This maintained the country's position as a major world power

Charles Sheppard

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The career of a World War Two Intelligence Officer Commander Charles Sheppard worked as a Naval Intelligence officer during World War Two. His knowledge of the Japanese language led to his invol

Cold War Climate: Fleet Air Arm

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The conflicts and operational developments of the Fleet Air Arm during the Cold War period At the end of World War Two the strength of the Fleet Air Arm had reached around 11 000 aircraft. The

Convoy protection

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Naval aircraft counters threat to shipping lanes on converted merchant ships and escort carriers At the outbreak of the Second World War, even though the Admiralty had now taken control of the F

Curriculum Links

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Sea Your History Curriculum Links Article Highlights Introduction History Citizenship Art and Design


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Royal Naval ships aid the Allied liberation of Europe At 0600 on the 6 June 1944 the largest armada of naval and merchant vessels ever assembled left the shores of Britain. The vast exodus was O

D. Arnold-Forster 1901

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Letters written from the trials of the Royal Navy's first ever submarine Delafield Arnold-Forster joined the Royal Navy in 1891 and travelled to Grenada, Antigua and Copenhagen. For ten month

Dame Katherine Furse

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The Admiralty approached Dame Katherine Furse (1875-1952) about accepting the position of WRNS Director. Furse was already experienced in running another women's organisation. She had j

Development of Nuclear powered submarines

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How did Nuclear power affect Royal Navy submarines? The advent of nuclear power reactors for use onboard submarines during the 1950s provided the solution to one of the main problems faced by t

Early History

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"Here are many good harbours - fresh water in plenty…an abundance of geese and ducks. As for wood there is none" Captain John Strong, on the first landing on the Falkland Islands, 16
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