Mark Lock 1 - There wasn't room for females
Name: Mark Lock
Rate: Leading Hand
Service: 1997 - present
Job: Marine Engineer Mechanic
Mark Lock joined the joined the Royal Navy in 1997, age 20. He did his basic training at HMS Raleigh alongside female recruits. He has served on both mixed and all male ships. His first ship, HMS Liverpool was a mixed ship - so had men and women on board. His last ship, HMS Quorn, was an all male ship.
In the clip below Mark explains why Hunt Class Minesweepers don't have female ratings on board.
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HMS Quorn was a Hunt Class Minesweeper and the reason it was all male was because when they designed them, they had only accounted for, think it was something like six junior rates to live on board, even knowing there's about 30 of them. So they had to redesign after it was built and the rope store on it was then turned in to a junior rates mess, so there wasn't any room for females to be accommodated on them. So they've all stayed male.

There wasn't room for females
0.30 mins - mp3 File

Some of them are smaller and weaker than men
0.21 mins - mp3 File

They'd turn up with their hair gelled
0.38 mins - mp3 File

As long as they abide by the no touching rule
0.26 mins - mp3 File

I've known many a relationship go on onboard
0.31 mins - mp3 File