Lisa McMahon 1 - I remember women going to sea being in the news
Name: Lisa McMahon
Rate: Petty Officer
Service: 2000 - present
Job: Marine Engineer Artificer
Lisa McMahon joined the Royal Navy in 2000 when she was 18. She is a Marine Engineer Artificer, who looks after the ships mechanical systems, such as the engines, water purifying and air conditioning. Her first ship after training was HMS Kent 2001 - 2002. She is currently serving on HMS Westminster.
In the clip below Lisa recalls when women went to sea.
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I remember seeing in the news about women going to sea, but then I'd only have been about nine or ten at the time, so I wouldn't of really remembered that much about it but I do remember it being in the news. 'Cause I think it was quite a big kind of deal made over it, 'cause obviously it was one of these, like a lot of people say the Navy is like, kind of, all boys club and it's all the guys together and all that, and then the women joined in and they were like "oh, don't know about this." Obviously it's worked out 'cause there's still women at sea now, if it hadn't have worked out they would of just taken her straight back off again.

I remember women at sea being in the news
0.29 mins - mp3 File

I wanted to go to sea, that's why I joined
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I enjoy working with mostly men
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The mess is like your living room
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You're living in each others pockets
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The uniform is confusing
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