John Towse 1 - There on the chart was the Mary Rose
John made the first dive on the Mary Rose wreck site in May 1966, with Alexander McKee. They had discovered the position of the wreck on an old chart.
In the clips below he talks about the early search for the Mary Rose.
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They'd laid out this old chart one of the young, well I suppose he was young, one of the young helpful members of the Hydrographic Department says, 'That says Mary Rose there.' and there to our utter amazement, I mean Mac describes this [in his book 'How we found the Mary Rose'] as Towse giving an audible gasp, and he then just became totally gone, you know, in modern parlance. Anyway they laid out this chart and there on the chart was the Mary Rose, a buoy on the Mary Rose wreck site, we couldn't believe our eyes or our ears to what we were hearing and seeing, everything else, all the other things were lost in our intense concentration on this cross, on this chart you see.

There on the chart was the Mary Rose
0.52 mins - mp3 File

The very first dive on the rediscovered site
01.05 mins - mp3 File

The mark that became the famous W echo
02.11 mins - mp3 File

I never thought there would be that much there
0.24 mins - mp3 File